Aretha, Don’t Go

Aretha don't go

As far back as I can remember listening to music, Aretha Franklin has been part of my life. She was my first idol. She made me feel like a natural woman at 15. No one ever surpassed her effect on me as a vocalist. Amy is a close second. But Aretha, she is a goddess.

Her piano playing, her gospel singing, her infinite coolness, her strength, her femininity, her dignity, her furs, what more could you ask for?

The last record of hers I actually spent cash money on was Young, Gifted and Black, a fucking masterpiece, but I have spent many happy hours listening to her on our digital files of a billion songs. Just like everyone, I feel like she is singing to me personally, one sister to another.

I’m writing now because I don’t want to say goodbye. Long live my darling first love and may we all think of her at every stage, young, old, fat, thin, fully alive and blessed with that commanding, singular, phenomenal voice. Our Queen forever and ever.

Aretha, dont go


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A Huge Life Decision: Weigh In!

huge life decision

Just look at these gorgeous nails. They are my dream nails, the perfect shape: Almost pointy but not so pointy that the tips keep breaking off.

hue life decisionThey belong to George, a great guy who works at Nordstrom, and he was pleased by how much I loved them. They’re his real nails, obviously, and he gets them done at a place on Melrose called Pamper or Pamper Something.

We discussed my own nails, which are kind of oval. As everyone knows, I do my own nails, because I find it relaxing. I admit that it’s hard to make them all the same shape. I like to blame the nail-files but I guess it’s due to handedness and a less than optimal angle.

Here, look, from last winter:

huge life decision, weigh in

Anyway, I’ve been irrationally proud to say that I’ve NEVER HAD A MANICURE, ever. I will be 65 in a couple of weeks, so that’s more than fifty years of doing my nails. It’s a long streak, and one I didn’t plan to end. I could have it on my gravestone or in my obituary. “She did her own nails.”

BUT! Why not just go get someone to make my nails look more like George’s???

This is my dilemma. If I give in and do it, can I see it as a refutation of stupid, reflexive stubbornness and personal “policies” that have outlived their usefulness? Can I turn it into a triumph somehow? I want to have my cake and eat it too, an expression I hate because it doesn’t even make sense to me.

Or, I can stick to my guns, because I don’t like the idea of paying an immigrant a pittance to service me while working in a toxic atmosphere. It seems so colonialist and fucked up.

Okay, so let’s not vote on how dumb I am, it’s a given. I want you to vote yes or no on getting a manicure.

Hurry up though, I could get a stroke or break my neck trying to tie my shoes (which you can just see in the left-hand corner of George’s beautiful nails.)

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“I’m Gonna Kill the President!”

If only!

“I’m gonna Kill the President” A Federal Offense is the name of a play that was written and produced by a dear friend of mine in 2004. It won an award from the L.A. Weekly and I wish I’d gone to see it. One performance was raided by police, and the audience thought it was part of the show. Chaos ensued. My friend can tell you the details.

Here’s a short news thing about the play:

I’m hoping this delightful piece of guerilla theater returns, because you know, Now More Than Ever!!! And because it feels good to say the words out loud. It’s nice to know that you can make such statements if it’s clear that you aren’t serious. It is protected free speech.

So, just kidding, I really wish that someone would kill the President and get it over with. Kidding again, I wish that Trump and Pence could drown peacefully or peacefully die of food poisoning.

Sticking with humor, I would shoot that corrupt piece of shit myself if I could get close enough, lol.

Here’s a good joke: What if all the republicans – and democrats – who have enabled this administration to dismantle everything helpful to the citizens and future citizens of the US, could be sent to Siberia or at least lose their jobs and their pensions???

Just kidding around, I would also like to know why all the press, and I mean ALL, have agreed among themselves to exclude any mention of Baron Trump from their reporting on the White House. No other child of a sitting President has enjoyed such a scrupulous hands-off policy. If it’s because Barron is autistic, we the people can handle that information. I believe we are entitled to it. Many of us have autism ourselves or in our families. It should not be up to the press to decide what we should know! How paternalistic! What else have they decided to protect us from knowing? The silence surrounding Barron Trump implies that his condition is too awful to mention, and somehow shameful. What services is he getting? Which of them are available to families with limited finances?

I’m just kidding when I say, look at this poor miserable child whose dad had chosen to both put him in the spotlight and to hide him away like Mrs. Rochester in the attic!

im gonna kill the president

Just kidding when I say that Donald Trump is an abomination who should spend the rest of his life in a cage at the Southern border. Because we’re not monsters, we could give him some lego to build a wall. And if he’s molested by employees of his detention center, we’ll say “Fake News!” Get it?

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Behold The Ne Plus Ultra of Stupid Denim

beholdIs this it?

Could anything be more stupid? It’s the Sacai Faux Fur-Trim Denim & Blazer Jacket. It’s two mints in one!

This amalgamated piece is dichotomous in design and aesthetic. Tailored on one side with the blazer and edgy on the other with denim, this piece is finished with a glamorous faux fur collar.

I guess it is dichotomous.

I would rather think of it as amphibian. Why is Sacai doing this to us? Why is the size small sold out? Where do we go from here? Is there a way to make it a trilogy, like adding a flapping sweater sleeve somewhere?

I can’t even with this one.

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Toska: Miserable Misery for Miserablists

miserable misery for miserablists

Has everyone heard about toska, a Russian word for a type of misery with no English equivalent? It’s one of those words that make language nerds feel superior, sort of like how “schadenfreude” makes dumb people feel when they hear it on TV and congratulate themselves for knowing it.

People seem to revel in the nebulous kind of misery that toska defines. It’s so uniquely Russian, according to some. Here’s how Nobokov describes it:

“No single word in English renders all the shades of toska. At its deepest and most painful, it is a sensation of great spiritual anguish, often without any specific cause. At less morbid levels it is a dull ache of the soul, a longing with nothing to long for, a sick pining, a vague restlessness, mental throes, yearning. In particular cases it may be the desire for somebody of something specific, nostalgia, love-sickness. At the lowest level it grades into ennui, boredom.”

Now I’m no Russian but some of my  ancestors were. And I experience toska all the time. I think that “miserable,” in the Morrissey sense of miserable, covers all those nuances perfectly well.

When we were teenagers, we used to call this feeling The Pain of Existence, facetiously but sincerely at the same time. What’s the word for THAT, wordists?

Here’s a ridiculous chart someone made while expounding on the ineffableness of the word toska.

Someone else says that Americans are too emotion-averse to experience toska, or to admit feeling it even if they could. I disagree, obviously. It probably depends on your particular social circle. I wouldn’t even want to be friends with anyone who didn’t suffer from  existential malaise or depression at least some of the time.

What do you guys think? Is toska overrated? Is it as good as weltschmerz? What words would you like to hear more of?

It’s fitting that toska reminds me of Tosca, the opera, because my mother loved Puccini and went around the house singing arias. As much as my sister and I begged her to shut up, she persisted. She actually had a beautiful voice. And god knows she was miserable.

Here, enjoy Maria Callas, who exemplifies misery at it’s most exquisitely miserable.

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My Lost Novel

my lost novel

A long time ago, in a burst of cocky self-actualization, I started writing a novel. It was so long ago, I wrote in longhand on legal pads. I remember being excited by the opening sentence. I felt it summed up the whole book, in its forceful self-deluded tone. I shared it with a friend who has published several novels.

“Dr. Goldberg called it transference, but I knew in my heart that I really did hate her guts.”

My friend said it was a bad sentence.

I took some time off and then decided to ignore her. I was on my way to writing the best thing ever.

The story involved all the key elements of my life and then some. There was an ineffectual therapist, a bad marriage, sibling rivalry, adorable toddlers, an adulterous affair that knocked the wind out of me for several years. I didn’t have an outline or an ending but the writing came easily and I savored the build up to the passion of the affair. I couldn’t wait to get to that part but I paced myself. It would be like opening the flood gates of the Mississippi. I don’t know if the Mississippi has floodgates, because I just made that up, writerly writer that I am.

Anyway, I wrote around sixty-five pages and then things got hard. I started using a thesaurus, which I found horrifying. When things get hard, traditionally, I give up. This was no different from all the things I had stopped trying to do: sewing, ballet, rolling joints, riding a bike, learning German, organizing important papers, driving on the freeway, and too many other endeavors to list.

I put the legal pads on a shelf in my closet and I haven’t seen them since. When I moved four years ago, they were the last thing on my mind. Now that I’m mostly unpacked, I have no idea where they are. Did I throw them away along with my teenage diaries? I’d like to see what I wrote, just out of curiosity and maybe to find inspiration. I can find my kids’ preschool artwork but not those fucking legal pads.

At least I have that first sentence! And I have a clear memory of Dr. Goldberg, named after my real therapist, Dr. Goldberg, who would lean over and untie my shoe when she couldn’t think of anything else to do.

I could start writing about Dr. Goldberg. Or the sibling rivalry. The bad marriage…why bother? Contrary to Tolstoy’s opinion, unhappy families are all alike, it’s the happy ones that fascinate and deserve scrutiny.

I could write about the affair, which I find I recall in alarming detail, but Don Henley says Don’t look back, you can never look back.

Is he wrong, like Tolstoy? I mean I hate the Eagles, don’t you? Fuck Don Henley! While I decide what to do, you can enjoy another affair I had, with Mr. Michigan, which I called “fiction” to protect the innocent, whoever that was.


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Advanced Denim Appreciation

advanced denim

Only a seasoned brand-whore would think of spending $1,375 for these awful jeans by Brunello Cucinelli. Your friends would have to be able to recognize the designer, who

operates from a restored 14th century castle in Solomeo, Italy (in fact, he restored the entire village). The line has expanded beyond the initial coveted cashmere to include designs for men and women

to justify the expense. Otherwise, people would just assume you were a homeless person wearing a factory reject from Sears. For $1,375, you get the following:

    • Drawstring waistband.
    • Patch pockets with monili trim.
    • Back button pockets.
    • Relaxed fit.
    • Tapered, wide legs.
    • Pull-on style.
    • Cotton.
    • Made in Italy.

I don’t know what monili trim is, and I don’t care. I do know that for normal humans under 75, an elastic waist on jeans is the kiss of death.

A newer, more fashion-forward brand is Sacai, who really brings it with these distressed high rise boyfriend jeans.

advanced denim 2

These were $855 but now reduced to just $256.50. So much bang for your buck, I hardly know where to begin.

Part of the brand’s Spring ’18 collection, these boyfriend jeans are cut from substantial denim. They’re thoroughly deconstructed: from the asymmetric paneling to the mint-lined rips, to the gathered puffs of fabric that peek out from under the cuffs.

What does “mint-lined rips” mean? I see there’s something swashbuckling or piratey going on here, and that’s not a plus. Here’s how it looks on a model:

advanced denimSo much attention to extraneous detail! Do these jeans say, “Hey, I’ve got money!” or “Please forgive me?”

This next pair makes me sad. First, because DUH, and second, because Escada has been over for years and years but won’t let go. It’s time, Escada. Pull the plug.

advanced-denimGod. “Live Laugh Love.” On your jeans. I want to cry.

In case you bought these but you worried that people might overlook your statement, you could spring for the coordinating t shirt.

Live, laugh, eat, pray, be your best self.  Just don’t broadcast it, for fucksake.

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All Roads Lead to Hair

I’ve been looking for something that I can’t find and the search led to this wonderful peek into my soul that no one should miss. I’m looking for an unfinished “novel” that I may have thrown away in a fit of rage but as we know, nothing is lost, nothing is created, everything is transformed.

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The Girl in a Bowl

the girl in a bowl

I didn’t believe it when I heard there was a person with only a head, who lived in a bowl. It reminded me of my favorite publication from many years ago, a parody of the National Enquirer that featured a “human Interest” story about a head that lived on a velvet pillow. In the tradition of such stories, the head, a little boy, was brave and spunky and loved sports. He was the ball, obviously.

the girl in a bowl 2

Anyway, I learned about Rahma Haruna, a Nigerian teenager who lived in a plastic bowl. A photo of her went viral, and someone bought her family a wheelchair to transport the bowl around. Before that, she was carried into the village every day by her younger brother, to beg for alms.

The Girl in a Bowl story is so loaded with meaning and resonance that I hardly know where to begin but here we go.

Last night, a friend came over and we discussed our antidepressants, a first-world problem if ever there was one but nevertheless we struggle. My antidepressant has stopped working and the friend is on a new one, Lexipro. It provides a feeling of numbness, which is good, but it’s fucking with their ability to be creative, and has muted their sense of humor.

In my effort to be helpful, I said, “No, not true! You thought the girl in a bowl was funny and you laughed!” Further, I pointed out, not everyone would respond by laughing. It bespeaks a particular dark and perverse sense of humor, the kind that is natural to people like us, the kind we need to survive.

So my friend agreed. I didn’t go on to quote whoever it was who said that suicide is the failure of the sense of humor. I believe this to be true. It’s not always beneficial to blurt out, though.

Moving along, the Girl in a Bowl Story is an example of courage that is beyond our imagination. Not only that, but Rahma Haruna hoped to one day own a grocery store.

Just think about this. With all my limbs, I know I couldn’t run a grocery store. I can’t even put the groceries away efficiently. I never thought of myself as an entrepreneur, lazy and stupid as I am. I have only dreamed of doing nothing.

Self-worth, courage, dignity, stoicism, hope, faith, perseverance, what else does it take to live in a bowl? In pictures of Rahma, who died in 2016, she wears eye-shadow and sometimes a radiant smile. God bless this girl and her beautiful spirit, even though if there were a god, he’d owe her a huge apology.

I usually hate those quadriplegic people who want to climb Mt. Everest, and I blame them for trying to make the rest of us look bad. But this is not that. This is kind of sui generis, I feel. And it raises the question, can you find humor in tragedy without being a mean person? Is laughing antithetical to compassion? Can you mock something while being humbled by it?

I’m going to say yes, and not just to defend myself and my friend. It doesn’t quite fit here but nonetheless I will quote Oscar Wilde on Dickens. “One must have a heart of stone to read the death of little Nell without laughing.”

He was talking about sentimentality but I think this applies to the horror of existence, to bearing up under difficult circumstances. You need to find the humor. For many of us, it is absolutely essential. I hope to suffer like Samuel Beckett and Oscar Wilde, rather than Sylvia Plath, who had no idea how funny she would look with her legs sticking out of the oven.

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The Big Monkey Show

One day in the history of our world, the United States voted for a monkey to be their president. In the morning after the election, people cried and asked each other if it really happened. It did happen but it took a while to seem even slightly real.

The monkey was a monkey so it couldn’t even pretend to be a President. It kept being a monkey while people waited for it to transform itself. But it wasn’t magic; it was a regular monkey. So it went around being a monkey and the guys whose jobs depended on its success pretended it was a person.

The monkey became more and more aggressive because there were no zoo keepers to keep it in line. It liked to throw bananas at people, not just important dignitaries but people in pain, and people just trying to do their job. The monkey loved attention. It used to have a TV show called “Look at the Big Monkey,” and it was accustomed to being a star.

Pretty soon, a lot of people worried that the monkey couldn’t handle the responsibilities of a President. Other people said not to worry, there were lots of human people surrounding the monkey who could stop it from doing anything too catastrophic. But the monkey liked to fire the human people and replace them with other monkeys.

Now there was a whole group of monkeys in the White House and in the government. What is the collective noun for monkeys? I’m too busy to look it up.  Maybe later.

People who never wanted the monkey to be President gathered to wring their hands and march in their towns with signs that said NO MORE MONKEY. But the monkey was only amused. It loved seeing signs about itself. It reminded him of his TV show.

Lots of bad stuff happened. The monkey decided to lock up immigrants in cages, so bitter was he about having been born in a zoo. He had other ideas of how to get even with everyone who didn’t like having a monkey in charge.

The time came when the monkey had to travel to speak with other world leaders. Everyone held their breath, hoping the monkey would control itself. But remember, it was a monkey! At home in the US, large groups of citizens would applaud the monkey’s every move. The more it jumped around, the more they applauded. They wanted a goddamed nonstop monkey show and now they had one!

One day, the monkey flew to another country to meet it’s most dangerous adversary. What would it do? Predictably, the monkey defecated and threw its shit everywhere, but not at the adversary.  The monkey was nothing if not a showman. It knew the world would be shocked and even more focused on its crazy antics. It kissed the adversary, just to agitate its detractors even more.

Now there was shit everywhere! Would the guys who loved their jobs be willing to get fired by calling him a monkey? Would they prefer being covered in shit to possible unemployment?

You bet they would! Because…well, just because.

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