Why did they stop there? Why not add zebra?
This “shoe” makes me want to cry. $469.95 at solestruck.
Why did they stop there? Why not add zebra?
This “shoe” makes me want to cry. $469.95 at solestruck.
I was fucking around with my google account when I scrolled through all the options and came to the word “more.” This brought me to a page with the question below: “What do you love?”
I instinctively (and somewhat drunkenly) typed the word baby, and voila! A whole world of baby-related searches appeared, including this one:
Hahahahaha! Isn’t this awseome? Now I can find babies nearby! Don’t tell their mommies that I’m coming to get them!
Here’s another nice google suggestion:
I could also “Explore Babies in 3D” or “Find Patents about Babies.”
Well, that’s my fun activity for a Saturday night. I recommend trying it. And no, since I’m not ten years old I’m not going to try it with “penis,” unless I have more to drink.
I have always hated Dr. Phil, even without seeing his show. It’s just unconscious knowledge that he is a jerk.
This week, everyone on TV is talking about him because of his interview with Casey Anthony‘s parents. He’s been pimping his show with the Anthonys everywhere. And in one discussion, he agreed that the Anthonys had “a menagerie of excuses” for their daughter’s conduct.
Menagerie is a collection of animals, you fucking idiot Dr. Phil! You can find some online dictionaries that say you can also use it to mean a diverse group of things, BUT YOU CAN”T BECAUSE IT MEANS ANIMALS.
Words matter, remember?
Have you heard anyone misuse a word recently but you couldn’t kill them? Feel free to share your pain.
You know I can’t resist penis jewelry. Here are two new penis options from Vivienne Westwood. I love the cufflinks but I wish they were earrings. $151.51 Penis key-ring below, $118.82
If you don’t crave penises, some other new VW pieces are elaborately pretty and clearly inspired by Salvador Dali‘s jewelry.
Boulevard Pearly Queen Bracelet: $277.75 Boulevard Pearly Queen Brooch, below: $150.51
Available here.
Dali’s jewelry is exquisite and eye-popping. If you’re not familiar with it, get ready to scream “Oooooooo!” and go here to get started.
No matter how awful everything is, Toby Keith has given us a priceless gift in the line about his “daddy’s right eye.” I laughed at it then and I still laugh when I think about it. Please enjoy his idiotic take on September 11.
“Knowing what our core values are and cleaving to them, even in times of testing, must be a lesson when we see the results of situational ethics and temporary, expedient treatment of basic rights. America should not again panic and overreact to terrorist attacks against this country…….the cost of 9/11 has been billions of dollars spent, an unneeded war, and thousands of lives lost.” – Richard A. Clark (Former US National Security Chief)
For me, September 11 is inextricably linked with Max, who worked at the financial Trade Center, next to the Twin Towers. It took hours before I could make contact and learn that he was okay. He ran for his life and later learned that his office was sheared off by fire. I was so relieved, and so grateful, and so sorry he had to experience such trauma.
But life is trauma. And that’s why we need Toby Keith to lighten our burden.
Beyonce celebrated her 30th birthday on her yacht in Italy, with family and a few close friends. Her close friend Gwyneth (??) was seen giving Beyonce an envelope. Look how happy she is after she opens it!
I need to know what was in that envelope.*
*My friend Maxine said “I would like to think it was a specially penned poem.” If you agree with Maxine, please approximate the poem.
I’m excited about (i.e. dreading) tonight’s debate among the Republican presidential candidates. For those of you who plan to watch, what’s the drinking word??
I am a big fag hag and always have been. I’ll bet it’s politically incorrect to use the term but I think my gay friends are okay with it. There’s nothing I love more than a gay man who will talk about fashion or just talk shit with me.
I’ve been assured that gay men are not ALL witty and stylish, well-read and opinionated. I’ll have to take this on faith. In my experience, gay men are fun to be around because they are expressive. I feel completely comfortable in the company of gay men. I may even be a gay man trapped in a woman’s body.
Except for my indifference to Judy Garland and Barbra Streisand, I’m a great big fag. I love to look at men’s clothes and I don’t mine wearing them if they fit nicely. I’m interested in the arts and I appreciated the theatrical in nearly every context. I don’t seek out gay men because they “make me feel safe.” They make me feel stimulated and free to be the bitch I am.
I wish more men were gay! I’m always ready to talk about hunky unattainable models and Dior Homme jeans. My gay friends don’t want to bother me with sports talk or even car talk. I like learning about grinder and I like hearing guys whine about their imaginary weight gain. I can appreciate their attractiveness without sexualizing it. I LOVE being called Doll. It’s all good.
If you’re like me and you enjoy a gay sensibility, you will love http://chateauthombeau.blogspot.com/ , http://fiercerthanyou.com and http://swallowglitter.blogspot.com/ to name just three dazzling websites.
Now. Who wants to chastise me for my terminology or stereotyping or what have you?
“Why are so many men homophobes? Why do they feel so threatened by gay men?”
“It can only be seen as funny that demagogues give speeches denouncing men who insert their penises into other men’s anuses – and then go home to insert their own penises into their wives’ vaginas!”
–Wallace Shawn
I hail from the Bible Belt where we don’t cotton much to sexual education. Everything I know about sex I learned from Japanese cartoons and Sunday school. Penis monsters don’t want to ravish schoolgirls but they just can’t help themselves and Baby Jesus comes down and sends them all to Heck for doing it. Then the schoolgirls will summon the penis monsters back out from Heck on the night of the full moon. This is because the girls are actually werewolves and won’t be able to do their homework on account of they have to be running around on all fours in their sexy schoolgirl outfits all night. At first the demon ghosts of the penis monsters will try to help out with the advanced trigonometry but invariably end up in an accidental orgy of hyperbolic werewolf schoolgirl rape. The next day the headmaster becomes enraged because none of the girls have done their homework and he has to tie them up for discipline and the rope makes him break out in hives so he gets even madder and he takes out his whip but he must be allergic to that as well because his hives get worse and worse and worse until he turns into a penis monster. Then Baby Jesus comes down and sends everybody to Heck, even those of us who were just watching the cartoons for educational purposes.
So really the marital act in all its many iterations and permutations is just a bunch of horrifying hairy gooey swollen abominations that make Baby Jesus cry unless it takes place in the sanctity of the marriage bed. There, in the marriage bed, the same miracle of transubstantiation that turns saltines and grape juice into the body and blood of Jesus Christ also transforms the smelly gruntings, the swellings, the humid orifices, and ungainly herky-jerks of animalistic copulation into the soft-focus roseate sunsets, the burgeoning orchids, the smooth jazz, and delightful conversation over brunch at one of the better hotel restaraunts that’s known as lovemaking. This is why there have been so many crazy weather disasters lately: God is pissed because we haven’t married up enough gays. Having all the gays and lesbos running around and living in sin distracts God from the important work of inventing new guns for us to shoot the French with.
But none of this answers your question about the homophobia. Here’s the deal: we’re not really afraid of the gays. We’re afraid of being gay or, worse, being mistaken for gay. Because for many straight people gayness is the grown-up version of cooties or herpes. There aren’t necessarily any symptoms but once you have it you can never un-have it and if people find out you have it or just think you have it you’re subjected to fear, revulsion, and humiliation. As every kindergartner knows tolerance of people with herpes is the fastest way to get herpes yourself so whatever you do don’t be nice to the gay kid with cooties and herpes.
Also because when you’re chilling with your bros, drinking beers, farting, and cracking dick jokes while watching a bunch of animated penis monsters running amok in the all-girl werewolf high school, having a gay dude there would just make things weird and uncomfortable.
Question answered.
© 2011 Anthony Robert Russo