Nursing Home Outrage, Part II


Back in October, I had a first-hand experience of conditions at a Los Angeles nursing home. I was stunned by the blatant inhumanity: I don’t know what else to call it. How can this shit go on? How can people live with themselves after consigning a loved one to such misery and neglect?

Hearing about a 98 year old woman who killed a 100 year old roommate, my first reaction was to laugh. I guess it’s still funny on some level, but I’ve lost the thread of whatever black comedy I perceived there. Now that I’ve learned the circumstances, I am furious beyond words. It’s an obvious case of nursing home negligence, but the nursing home won’t be held responsible and for the administrators and stockholders, it will be business as usual.

Laura Lundquist strangled her roommate, Elizabeth Barrow, at the Brandon Woods nursing home in New Bedford, MA, after Barrow’s son made repeated complaints about Lundquist on his mother’s behalf. Lundquist believed that Barrows was “taking over her room,” and had already made threats to the older roommate as well as an attempt to block her from leaving her bed.

Guess what? When you complain about anything in a nursing home, NOTHING HAPPENS! People might nod as though they are listening, but nothing will happen. The staff is not there to provide care. They are there to earn a low wage and to bitch to each other about how annoying their duties are. The patients are discussed by their room and bed number. “24B needs service” announced on the intercom will not bring anyone to 24B’s room, not until some CNA is good and ready to walk her ass down the hall.

Lundquist has a lawyer who will argue that she has dementia. Of course she does! She’s 98 years old and rotting in a fucking nursing home! I don’t think Lundquist can be held responsible. But I’d like to see the administrators of Brandon Woods be restrained in their own nursing home for the next several years, subjected to bedsores and the ravings of mentally ill roommates.

The CEO of Brandon Woods, Scott Picone, says said the home was “deeply saddened by this tragic event, and our thoughts and prayers go out to both families.” He declined to comment further. But in another statement, the home said the roommates acted like sisters, walked and ate lunch together daily and said, “Goodnight, I love you,” to each other every night.

Here’s a story for you:   Max’s last roommate at Kindred Hospital was a man named Willie. He is an elderly black man who has cancer and may have also had a stroke. At the time he arrived, he was unable to talk. He had a tracheotomy and had some plastic thing in his mouth. He could gesture with his hands though and he had a legal pad on his table where he could write to communicate.   Just before Max was discharged, I saw that Willie had written “Why do they handle me like a terrorist??” Why indeed.

The next day, I paused outside the room and said to a nurse who had just exited: “Willie is such a sweet guy.” She replied: “Yes, he is. Doesn’t talk much, though.”

In the Q & A section of the Brandon Woods website,   one is assured that: “Music, physical fitness, outings, and laughter are the key ingredients to enabling residents to enjoy their environment.”

Ha! Jesus. Off with their fucking heads.

Posted in Horrible Stuff, News, Rants | Tagged , , | 35 Comments

The Broken Dryer: A Poll


Here’s the situation:

Tonight, my ex-husband came over to visit and offered to wash a fluffy foot-thing. (Don’t ask, but the tag says it’s washable.) I offered to wash it but he insisted on doing it. He probably thought he’d do a better job. (Men.)

Then, he put it in the clothes dryer, which is in the garage, because that’s where we do the laundry. He came back inside for a while and then went out to check the dryer. He came in again to report that the dryer stopped working. It worked when he turned it on, but now it’s broken. Dead. Won’t go on again.

I said something like, Shit, you broke the dryer?! He said something like, No, I didn’t break it, it broke.

I said, Well, my husband will be heartbroken when he comes home from work at 2: A.M. and finds that the dryer is broken. (My husband has been graciously doing the laundry while I have the fucking walker and can’t carry anything.)

This is like an episode of Curb Your Enthusiasm, but without Larry David.

I told the ex to pay for a repairman. The ex was aghast, and furious. Because “he didn’t break it.” But it wasn’t broken before he used it. In my addled mind, HE SHOULD PAY FOR THE REPAIR. Not only that, we have no money. (I’m aware that this has no moral bearing on the issue, but still.)

Should the ex pay? Or not?

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The Tavi Problem


It’s taken me a long time to gather my courage to address the Tavi Problem.   As her celebrity increases, I keep wondering why nobody brings up the subject of autism.

Aspergers Syndrome is a condition on the autistic spectrum, often characterized by a high IQ and an intense preoccupation with a specialized field of interest. In children, Aspergers can be especially endearing. A young person animated by a passion for learning, even if it’s about vacuum cleaners, is a pleasure to be around. As the mom of a kid who attends a special needs school, I’ve come to recognize signs of Aspergers from a mile off, and I’ve come to appreciate the quirky brainy kids that my son hangs out with.

Tavi strikes me as a kid with Aspergers whose obsession dovetails perfectly with the zeitgeist, i.e. the burgeoning influence of bloggers and the fashion industry’s desperation to appear ‘fresh’ and appeal to new markets.   Her extraordinary knowledge of fashion is mind boggling and she clearly has a prodigious memory for details. Gregory Evans has a similar understanding of vacuum cleaners, a gift that has earned him some notoriety but unfortunately not the same outpouring of love that Tavi has received.

Here is what Rodarte sister Kate Mulleavy says of Tavi: “When spending time with Tavi, I am always astonished by her observations. Tavi is a writer in every sense. Her way of interacting with the world comes from a sensitivity and madness that belongs to poets and bank robbers.”

My goodness! Poets and bank robbers?! I worry that Tavi is the Flavor of the Month, and that when the fashion world grows tired of her it will be a difficult transition. I hope her parents know what they’re doing.

My purpose in this discussion is not to diminish Tavi’s achievement but to suggest that using the term Aspergers Syndrome or even autism would help to dispel the notion that those on the spectrum are retarded or stupid. It would encourage other gifted kids to pursue their interests, full steam ahead.

I’m prepared to be scolded for daring to label everyone’s little darling, who is only thirteen. But it’s a label I use with affection and admiration. I’d like to see more kids and adults identify themselves as being on the spectrum. I’d like to see the end of the stigma that persists. As for the Rodarte sisters, I’m pretty sure they have Aspergers too.

Posted in Celebrities, Fashion, Words | Tagged , , | 84 Comments

Almost Prada, And Yet…


At first glance, the Obscene Boot by Jeffrey Campbell looks like an almost acceptable knock-off of those stupid thigh high garter boots by Prada. But then….


the horror of the side view! Jesus! This kind of thing could cause a cardiac arrest.

Somewhere, there’s a fashion blog with a photo of these boots and a caption saying “Love! Must have.”

Posted in Fashion, Horrible Stuff | Tagged , | 27 Comments

The Saddest Shoes in the World


These shoes make me want to cry.   They look like a pre-school project. Which is usually a good thing. But not when they cost $1,605.

How long before those cheap little rhinestones start to fall off? If shoes can feel embarrassed, this one is dying inside.

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Let Me Count the Ways, Mrs. P


How do I hate thee… how could anyone not hate thee?

This reliance on Trig as a crowd pleaser during Mrs. P’s book tour is driving me nuts with helpless rage. Even though the baby is so clearly a prop, her shameless Trigsploitation has struck a chord with the gullible right ring. This is the sort of thing they’re observing:

“She’s going out there as a pro-life woman to say that there’s great joy in special-needs kids – and that we shouldn’t be aborting them.”

Christian conservatives write that “Mother and son have become objects of the left’s unrelenting scorn” and that this reflects “a broader societal bias against disability.”


So now, if you don’t like Mrs. Palin, you’re not only a godless commie, YOU HATE THE DISABLED! You abortionist!

Has anyone   else in politics ever dragged around a special needs kid like this? It seems like some sort of new low. I don’t like the way Trig’s shoes and eye-glasses are optional accessories. I don’t like the way she holds him up like a fisherman showing off a prize winning bass.

I know plenty of moms of special needs kids, and none of them act like they deserve to be president based on their children’s disability. I’ve said it before and I’m compelled to keep saying it. What a fucking cunt! 

** Oooh and by the way, Ann wins the Dead Sweater, Dewayne gets it if Ann declines due to a secret sex tape.

Posted in Rants, Religion, Words | Tagged , , | 26 Comments

Comments for Jane 12-01-2009


By now, you’ve seen the pictures of Sea of Shoes at the ball. My sister pointed out that Sea’s dress was the only one with sleeves! I’m not sure if that’s the case, but it’s a good observation anyway.

As a public service, I invite you to leave your comment to Jane, since she won’t publish them herself.

I will begin:

OMG Jane, you look like a turtle in this photo! It’s good to see that you need to be photographed from a “good” angle, just like everyone else! Hate the dress but glad you had fun. Love, SW

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Styling is Everything


Whenever I get email updates from Pixie Market, I dutifully click to see their new arrivals, and inevitably I am horrified. It’s not the items they sell, but how they are put together.   Why would anyone want any of the garments in the pictures above?

Let’s say I wanted a floppy white sweater. After seeing it as part of this horrible ensemble, ugh, forget it! Why the dead animal boots and the stupid hat?


Look at this Pixie Market girl. I can’t remember which item is supposed to be on display…the jacket, maybe?…but the horrible styling just repels me. Is the stylist blind or is she having a little private laugh?

More and more, I’m aware that it’s the styling I respond to, not the product.   The styling is everything; it promotes a fantasy you want to buy into, if it succeeds. If it fails, as in Pixie Market, there’s almost no way you’ll spend your money.


Here’s some trousers I’ve been ogling for weeks.   Don’t worry, I’m broke. But I’m drawn to the trousers because of the elegant no-nonsense styling. This girl says to me, “If you buy these trousers, you’ll be a young Lauren Bacall, so carefree that your shirt cuffs won’t even match! You’ll be sloppy but pulled together! You’ll get to wear your men’s shoes but still exude confident femininity!”

This brand, Hope, really knows what they’re doing.   Whereas the Pixie Market people, I’m not getting their message unless it’s “Buy this stuff if you wanna look not only unsophisticated but also blind and crazy!”

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“The Cool Thing About God”

I’m sorry, I just can’t enough of this crazy bitch!   She’s so full of shit when she talks about her “faith!.”   Please enjoy.

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Stuff You Need: Another SW Fundraiser


Okay, you know the drill.   Here is a chance to buy something from Sister Wolf’s Hoarded Fashion Collection .

Funds must be raised. So here is a vintage charm necklace by Kenneth Jay Lane, an original from the late 70s and not one of his newer copies of his earlier designs. The chain is 24 inches long and the longest charm is 4 inches long.


It is awesome, as you can see. $120 plus $5 shipping in the US.


Yes, my arms are veiny, eoow, try to focus on the beautiful cuff by Tulla Booth, an artist and photographer who made some jewelry in the 80s. This cuff is gold-dipped and set with real stones. 2 1/2 inches wide and best for a slim wrist. Signed on the inside. $120 plus $5 shipping in the US.


Antique turqoise earrings set in 14k gold. They are really stunning and unusual. I need some fucking money. $70 plus $5 shipping in the US.


This beautiful Chanel handbag is STILL available and is an amazing bargain. Check out prices on eBay or in any magazine. See more photos here. $600 plus $25 shipping (includes insurance.)

Reward yourself or a loved one for Christmas! Contact: to purchase, via paypal or whatever.

Please don’t leave comments about how you wish you had the money, UNLESS YOU WANT ME TO KILL YOU or UNLESS YOU ARE WENDY B, who is compelled to do anything you forbid her from doing.


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