Why Did God Make Rick Warren?

I’m not happy about Obama’s choice of Rick Warren to deliver the invocation at his inauguration. Why is there an “invocation” anyway, and why does religion have a place in the inauguration? If religion plays a role in this event, why have a big fat Christian evangelist and not a Jewish rabbi or Buddhist priest?

I thought Rick Warren was just kind of harmless until I learned that he is a staunch opponent of gay marriage and an unrepentant homophobe. He was an outspoken supporter of Proposition 8 in California, and he compares gays to pedophiles and pizza.

On the other hand, he defends himself by saying that he’s crazy about Melissa Ethridge and that he’s “eaten in gay homes.” I guess that means he’s even eaten GAY FOOD, too!

What an idiot. Change Melissa Ethridge to Aretha Franklin, and gay homes to Black homes, and you’ve got an idiotic statement from an obvious bigot.

What makes Christians so frightened of gays?! It makes even less sense that the rest of their belief system. Thank goodness we have attorney general Jerry Brown to ask the California Supreme Court to invalidate Prop. 8, saying it “deprives people of the right to marry, an aspect of liberty that the Supreme Court has concluded is guaranteed by the California Constitution.”

I’d like Rick Warren to mind his own business and let the rest of us live our lives as we please, whether Purposeful or Purposeless. He is welcome to Melissa Ethridge though.

Posted in News, Rants, Religion | Tagged , , , | 19 Comments

Should We Blame Mrs. Palin?

Needless to say, I was thrilled to hear that Levi “the Impregnator” Johnston’s mom was busted for drugs in Wasilla. Sherry Johnston has been charged with six felony counts of misconduct involving Oxycontin, a drug commonly known as ‘hillbilly heroin.”

My first reaction was to think, Ha ha, let’s hear anyone try to disassociate Levi from his mom, as if he had no idea that his mom was a dope dealer. Please! One can only assume that Levi loves Oxycontin as much at Track Palin does.

There is obviously nothing to do in Wasilla but do drugs, and have sex. Oh, I forgot guns and church. So basically if you don’t want to pray or shoot anything, you’re stuck with sex and drugs. Who can blame Levi or his mom or Track and Bristol? I’m sure that every other house in Wasilla is a crack den or meth lab, and god bless ’em.

But now upon learning that Mrs. Palin has “no comment” and “nothing to do with the arrest,” I have to think that she’s behind the whole thing. Maybe, just maybe, Levi thought he could get out of marrying Bristol, now that Mrs. P is only a dumb governor and not the V.P. And maybe Mrs. P decided to let him know what happens to those who don’t cooperate with her agenda.

I can almost hear Mrs. P. barking at Todd, “You call the State Troopers and tell them to arrest that little bastard’s mom, right now! I’ll be god damned if I have to raise one more of Bristol’s babies!”

The poor Johnston family! You don’t fuck with Mrs. P, that’s for sure. And also too, if Bristol doesn’t give birth today on her due date, maybe she can wait until Christmas day and claim Immaculate Conception!   Let us pray.

Posted in News, Religion | Tagged , , | 11 Comments

A Boot With a Mission

The first time I saw this boot at Barneys online, I was truly stunned by its awfulness. What could be uglier?!   Wasn’t Louboutin supposed to be the holy grail of footwear?!

I even tried to find it again to show my BFF, but I forgot where I’d seen it. Tonight, I came across it again, and it still fills me with horror and wonder. What is the point of this boot? What a fucking monstrosity! And look at the price! Even Kate Moss herself couldn’t pull off something this grotesque.

And then it came to me: This boot would be good for throwing at George Bush! Imagine it hurtling through the air, it’s purple fringes flying, as it makes its way to its deserving target. Now, I see its beauty. I feel like Edward Teller!

Now, can someone give me $1,575 plus tax?

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The Eating Issue

Last week, it was Oprah. Now, it’s Rachel Zoe.

Oprah has gone public with her weight gain, revealing that she’s addicted to food.   I certainly sympathize with Oprah; I feel that inside the Slim Me, is a Fat me, who will take over if I’m not vigilant. I’ve never been fat, but I know that fatness is a state to be avoided at all costs. In our society, prejudice against fat people is so deep-rooted that even those seen pictured with fat people are judged more harshly, ‘according to studies.’

Poor Oprah can’t keep anything secret, so she might as well use her own weight problem as a means of connecting with her audience. But is she an addict, do you think?

Everyone has an opinion on Oprah. Some New Agey woman wrote a piece about Oprah’s weight gain at Huffingtonpost.com, explaining to us that Oprah’s eating stems from “shame.” She even went on to point out to Oprah which chakra was messed up.

Which chakra of Rachel Zoe’s is messed up? She insists that she’s thin by nature, but surely no one can look at her and see anything normal. This woman is starving, but she doesn’t believe it. When she looks in a mirror, she probably sees the weight she still needs to lose. Rachel Zoe has probably struggled with anorexia all her life. Is she addicted to not eating?

I’ve only known two or three women who didn’t have a screwed up relationship with food, and one of them was probably lying. Food is our enemy, much of the time. At best, it’s an enemy we’ve called a truce with. I don’t believe that eating too much is an addiction, although it is clearly a compulsion for many people. Food equals comfort, and eating helps to stuff down feelings we don’t want to experience. Oprah could stop eating without undergoing withdrawal. She could eat less if she decided to!   Just eat less, Oprah!

Rachel Zoe is another story. She is so afraid of ending up like Oprah that she’s developed a pathology. She probably won’t be able to help herself. She needs clinical care but she will resist getting it. I’ve seen girls who are perilously thin but still terrified of eating an apple. Nothing gets through to them; their brains aren’t processing correctly.

When I was a kid, my father would point out overweight women and express his contempt for them. I knew early on that I didn’t want to be fat. Being fat meant being unlovable.

Eating is a loaded issue for women, more so than for men. To simplify: Our loveability is linked to our physical appeal. For men, it’s linked to their achievements.   If you had a daughter, how would you help her avoid a conflicted relationship with food? And who do you most identify with, Oprah or Rachel Zoe?

Posted in Celebrities, Disorders | Tagged , , | 21 Comments

Poor Jennifer Aniston!

Dear Jen,

I know you want some positive attention, and posing naked is always good for that. But here’s the problem, and I say it with all due respect: Your chin is the deal-breaker.

Your nose came out great, especially after the last tweaking. It’s verging on adorable, in fact. I bet you’re wondering why you didn’t get a cute nose way back in the day. You were probably thinking that your healthy girl-next-door look was attractive enough to allow for a less than perfect nose, and you were right, because look how rich you are! You must have a zillion dollars from Friends. Your nose wasn’t an issue back then, remember?

The Brad thing has really screwed you up, and I’m so sorry! I can’t imagine anything worse that seeing the hussy who stole your man on every magazine cover, leering at you with those huge enormous lips. I don’t know how you survived the public humiliation.

But you’re never going to be beautiful in the way you want to be! You’re a great girl with a great, toned body, and your hair always looks so nice. Why can’t that be enough? Your cute nose only highlights the chin situation. It’s something you could talk about with Reese Witherspoon if you weren’t in such denial!

Jen, I feel your pain. I wish Vince had stuck around and given you a baby, but I guess it wasn’t meant to be. Your thing with John Mayer does help to position you as a sexpot but realistically, that guy is just bad news. He’ll fuck anything that moves, and plus there’s that awful Guitar Face thing where he looks like he’s getting a tetanus shot….ugh, you know what I mean.

I wish I had some good advice for you, but I’m not a psychiatrist (even though I play one on TV, haha.) I do know that nudity is not the answer. You won’t get Brad back and it makes you seem a little desperate. Have you considered just minding your own business instead of going around trying to prove that you’re a hottie even though you’re no you-know-who?

If I were you, I’d spend my time spreading rumors that Brad is a lousy fuck and has herpes. Then I’d marry a hot young Latino and kick back, watching TV and ordering shoes from Saks while Angie has 50 more babies with stupid names and 50 more tattoos to mark her ownership. At least I wouldn’t have to worry about my uterus falling out!

Just trying to help,
xo Sister Wolf

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Take Away the Guns

Unearthen is a company that makes jewelry out of empty bullets. Each crystal is chosen for its “distinct qualities” and the stone with “the right properties for your needs will inherently attract you.”

This could be why these necklaces don’t attract me: I don’t need to have a bullet, either around my neck or lodged in my skull.

The medium sized bullet necklace (9mm, .38 SPECIAL, .40 S+W, .44 CALIBER, and .45 AUTO) will cost you around $400.

When I first saw these necklaces on some shopping website, I was not impressed. The whole idea seemed kind of pseudo-avant garde and lame, like wearing a silver razor blade or coke spoon on a chain.

Now, I feel more strongly.

A few nights ago, a Loved One was dropping me off at my house, early in the evening. I opened my door and walked inside. I was startled by the sound of shouting in the street. Outside, a figure I could barely make out in the darkness was screaming at my Loved One’s car, “Ima fuck you up, motherfucker!” The voice sounded unhinged with rage.

My Loved One was making a U-turn in the street, evidently impeding the speed of the gangsta and his female companion. I heard the girl screaming something plaintive, like “Stop it, stop it!”, trying to talk the guy down.

I instinctively ran down my steps, and yelled “No no no! What’s the matter?!” hoping to placate the gangsta. As my LO’s car sped away, the guy took a step toward me and screamed, “Homie didn’t get out of my fucking way! Why don’t you shut the fuck up, you stupid fucking bitch!”

I turned and ran inside and locked my door. I heard an engine start up, and the girl’s hysterical laughter.

I called my LO, who was glad the cracked-out guy hadn’t followed his car. He told me that the girl was actually yelling “Put it away, put it away!”, not Stop it.

My mind keeps wanting to go back and complete the scene with an alternate ending, an ending where one of us gets shot by a crazy gangsta for no reason at all.

I don’t want to see any guns, ever. And I don’t want to see bullets or death being glamorized. I don’t know what the hell is wrong with people who oppose better gun control. But they better not make any U-turns.

Posted in Fashion, Horrible Stuff | Tagged , | 20 Comments

First Russians, Now Bigots

According to this report, Urban Outfitters pulled this t-shirt from its shelves and online store, less than a week after it first arrived. A buyer for the company cited ‘too much bad press’ as the reason for pulling the shirt.

The CEO of Urban Outfitter, Richard Hayne, is a right-wing Republican who supports senators who vote for legislation against gay marriage.   A British business website wrote about this guy in May: “Hayne must be the only retailer whose expansion plans depend on no one finding out who he really is.”

Uh-oh. Now what?

If one were to boycott every company that behaved badly, well, one would be screwed. But it seems especially repellent of Urban Outfitters to cultivate a cool, hipster-ish image for its targeted market, when in fact it’s run be a right-wing homophobe.

I don’t like it. Should we write to Urban Outfitters, expressing our dismay about this? Or should we keep buying their crap because it’s cheap and trendy? My answer is: DUH!

On a happier note, here is a t-shirt my kid designed, to promote autism awareness. Hammie isn’t crazy about the puzzle piece logo, so maybe we’ll get rid of them.

Finally, the crazy lady posted more crazy-ass shit about me, including this:

Свинья всегда лужу найдёт

Can you believe it?!   Sure, I’m a cunt and everything, but not Свинья всегда лужу найдёт, right?

Posted in Disorders, Fashion, Words | Tagged , , | 27 Comments

Bitches Ain’t Shit

Unexpectedly, the discussion of Triggergate has started up again, and who am I to ignore it? God bless Andrew Sullivan and others who just won’t let it go. Why should they, particularly when new photos are discovered, raising the same questions about Mrs. Palin’s strange secret pregnancy.

Also too, this journalist has compiled some pertinent information, including a link to a video interview where Mrs. P is supposed to be in the final month of her pregnancy and says, in the SAME SENTENCE, that she was able to hide the pregnancy because of her “tight abs” AND ALSO TOO that she wasn’t trying to hide it at all. It is classic Mrs. P, gibberish and lies in the same breath.

Again also too, I have questions about the photo above, showing Mrs. P at her baby shower, just 4 weeks after Trig’s birth.   May I ask, who wears a short skirt in the first month post-partum? Is it Mrs. P’s need to always call attention to her legs? Or is it……you know, the other reason.

Since it isn’t nice to focus only on the negative, and god knows I like to be nice, Mrs. P may be trying to redeem herself with her constituents in Alaska by unveiling a plan to invest an extra $5 million to support children’s health, including a proposed increase in a program for low-income children and pregnant women.

“Interestingly, last year Palin opposed an increase in the program despite the fact that the state had a large surplus because of high oil prices.”

I strongly suggest watching the video of her announcement of this initiative here, because the difference between having a billion dollars worth of make-up artists and stylists is strikingly evident. Mrs P looks like shit, in other words, and who wouldn’t with four kids and a diet of moose, in a horrible freezing climate and a private sunbed to bake one’s face?

The Botox has worn off, and also too the Restylane.

Speaking of ageism, my pesky Russian nemesis has said this about me in a comment thread at another blog:

“No, what’s sad is a 55yo bulimic woman with no profession, no wit, no smarts, no morals but burdened with delusions of grandeur (what passes for grandeur in her tiny brain). Who calls herself [alternatively] a commie, a lesbian, a negress (even put it in email address), or a Devil – while in reality she’s just a grimacing macaque. A yapping chihuahua.

shooo! ”

Why oh why the chihuahua?! I just can’t see it. Why not a Sheltie or Labrador?!

In any case, please refrain from going to her “Salon”, as the increase in traffic makes her gloat. Nyet on the gloating, since the goal is to spoil her fun, if not something a little more, ahem, diabolical.

Posted in News, Rants | Tagged , , | 24 Comments

Stalking The Ex

You know that crap you see on MSN that’s there to distract you with mundane and/or bizarre trivia….like “Lose Weight While Eating” or “Ten Ways to See if He’s a Mass Murderer?” Obviously, I’m much too savvy to click on that shit.

But today I noticed “I Stalked My Boyfriend’s Ex” and thought, Big deal, who hasn’t?

When I met my husband, his Ex was living with a man she would later marry, but the divorce wasn’t final yet. Everything I heard about her was horrifying. On one of our first dates, he even showed me her ‘head-shots,’ because she was an Actress. I was shaken by the big actressy smile and the long blond bob.

When he went out of town, the Ex always took care of his cat.  I suggested that it was time to let me take care of the cat, and after a lot of soul-searching (i.e., bitter arguing) he decided that the Ex and I would share the job.

I was furious but terrified of bumping into her. Instead, because it was nearly Easter, I left her a chocolate Easter bunny. I was trying to demonstrate how nice I was. She responded by leaving me a potted plant, with a little note that I still have somewhere. She dotted the i in her name with a little star.

I consulted a friend who gave me good advice: You can’t beat someone at their own game. This is advice I’ve passed on several times, that’s how good it is. She warned me that the Ex was known for her friendliness; if I kept trying to outdo her, I’d end up giving her the deed to my house and STILL she’d think of something to up the ante.

I gave up the niceness and went straight to pure seething hatred. She would not stay in line, even though she was about to marry someone else. On the eve of her marriage, she left a whimsical poem for my husband, just to keep her hand in, so to speak.

Time passed and I got pregnant. The Ex got pregnant too! She was like a horrible toothy spectre that wouldn’t stop haunting me with her legendary Friendliness and Kookiness. I had come to learn that she loved giving parties, wearing hats, and dressing up like a clown in her own TV show on the public access channel.

Finally, the Ex and I had our babies. My husband was invited to a wedding where the Ex would be in attendance. I geared up for it by dying my hair even blacker and wearing a tiny pleated Catholic schoolgirl skirt.   Our first encounter was dreadful, even though I knew it was funny. She took my husband’s coat like she was still the wife and put it on a chair. I could barely look at her. She smiled in a way that showed her back molars. Her voice was loud and animated, like someone who has a show on the public access channel.

Our babies started crying and the Ex and I had to both get our boobs out to breastfeed. We began to talk shop. I tried to feel normal, as though we were two normal women with new babies. She remarked that her boobs lactated differently. I told her that, yeah, that happens. She leaned toward me and said dramatically “I call [my boobs] Comfy and Squirty.” I was speechless. All I could think to say was “Uh, I call mine Right and Left.”

God, I was obsessed with that Ex. For years, I would call her phone number on holidays just to hear her themed outgoing messages. On Saint Patrick’s day, she used an Irish accent.

All these years later, I can still get steamed when I think about her. She was the anti-me, and that was a big part of her mystique for me. Over time, I’ve come to feel more secure about being an angry inhibited brunette. I think I’m the best in my league, I guess. A loud vivacious blond can still irritate me, but that’s about it.

If you’ve never been pathologically jealous, you’ll have no idea of how awful it feels. But also too, you will never know the insurmountable pleasure of having a friend make a prank-call on your rival, and getting her to believe she’s just been offered a leading role in the sequel to the Wizard of Oz, called Beyond the Rainbow.

Posted in Disorders | Tagged , , | 29 Comments

Two Idiots at Starbucks

Today I stopped at a Starbucks on my way home from an exciting outing to a box store. I checked out the two girls in front of me, who were decked out in a weird combination of work-out attire and leather. They were both tall and somewhat lesbitious looking.

One of them addressed the barista as though speaking to a member of a lower caste. “We want the coffee that gives money to AIDS,” she explained. “We want to make sure we get that kind, okay? That’s why we came here.”

(Now, I’ve seen the new Starbucks commercial, announcing that 5 cents from each coffee will go to the Aids fund.)

The guy looked baffled but game. “Uh, okay,” he said. “I’m not sure what kind that is.” He conferred with another guy and took the girls’ orders. They spoke loudly, like the Martian family on Saturday Night Live pretending to be from Paris.

“How do we know that the money is going to the charity?” demanded the more lesbitious of the two. The guy fumbled his way through an answer, obviously unaware of how the Starbucks ‘Red’ enterprise was supposed to work.

Watching this interaction, I was absolutely flabbergasted. I wanted to scream, “I’ll give five dollars to AIDS if you’ll just shut the fuck up and let me get my coffee, you fucking morons! You’re talking about ten cents!”

After politely ordering a normal cup of coffee, I wandered outside, filled with rage and wonder. Are there really people walking around, expecting the Nobel prize for giving ten cents to charity? This is why I’m better off staying at home and sending the husband to go to the box store.

I’ve just read about the Starbucks Red deal at the Starbucks website, where I learned that:

“In honor of the 20th World AIDS Day on Dec. 1, Starbucks will contribute five cents from every hand-crafted beverage sold that day at participating stores in the U.S. and Canada to increase awareness of AIDS in Africa.”

Hand-crafted beverage?! God. Just yesterday, I realized how much I hate the word “artisan,” thanks to hearing it attached to things like bread. Now I’m ready to hate “hand-crafted” too.

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