I Saved $1,700 by Shopping!

Imagine how thrilled I was to see the metallic green Marni bag on the left for $1,815 at net-a-porter! It reminded me of my metallic green Not Rational handbag that I got on sale for $75, because no one was stupid enough to pay the original price of $550. I bought it at a swanky store called Traffic. I think I squealed something like “Oh god, what an offensive color!”   I meant it in a good way.

After I paid for it, the sales assistant offered to keep an eye out for other offensive bags. I said “Sure,” because it was easier than explaining the difference between Good Offensive and regular offensive.

I have never used this bag, which normally hangs from my tailor’s dummy when it isn’t posing gracefully on the commode. On its other side it has two pockets with snaps. It is incredibly soft. I don’t expect to put it into play.

If you’ve ever saved a lot of money by shopping for something you will never wear, let’s hear about it!

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Fashion Victims Unite!

Do you find yourself craving those stupid rolled-up boyfriend jeans that Katie Holmes has been bothering us with? Don’t worry, you’re just reacting like a consumer, tirelessly trained by the advertising industry to buy whatever is deemed the New Thing.

The reason you want them is also because they look different from the jeans you already have. If the fashion marketers didn’t persuade you that what you already have is uncool and out of style, they would go out of business! You know that, right? But you still want those stupid jeans!

You want them, and you’d prefer the ones by Current/Elliott, because their publicists have been working around the clock to make you aware of them.

But guess what? They’re stupid! You won’t look good in them, and you’ll have to explain to your boyfriend why you’re wearing them instead of the tight jeans he’s accustomed to seeing on you. You will have no decent excuse, believe me.

Instead of responding to a new fashion imperative, why not consider resisting it! This item is the perfect one to renounce.   Imagine the freedom to ignore all fashion rules, or to make up your own.

Let’s admire Anna Piaggi and her friend Viv. They would never have taken the bait of those stupid jeans!

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John Mayer, Thy Name is Douche

I know that in the grand scheme of things, celebrities don’t matter, but once in a while they intrude upon my thoughts and sicken me more than a hideous display of fringed boots at Nordstrom.

John Mayer is not just an ugly face or a mediocre musician, he’s now proved him self to be an unforgivable cad. If you’re above watching trash TV, you may not know that John Mayer stood on a New York street corner to tell some paparazzi why he broke up with Jennifer Aniston. He repeated the phrase “I ended it because” several times. He needed to make sure that the world knows he is the dumper, and Jennifer Aniston is the dumpee. His insistent praise of her (“She is the loveliest person! The most sophisticated person!”) were just more knives in her back. The unspoken clause is obviously, “but I still don’t want a relationship with her.”

John, didn’t anyone ever teach you some manners? What an egotistical fucking douche! After all the nosejobs she’s had, doesn’t Jen deserve better?! Does she need to hack off the entire nose?!?!

All one can do is wait patiently for the tabloids to plot Jennifer’s next move. It will be one of the following:

1. “Jen turns to Brad for consolation!”
2. “Jen is furious, because SHE’S the one who ended it!”
3. “Jen bounces back by dating the hunky [fill in name here.”]

After winning the title of “Most Publicly Humiliated Woman in the World” from Hilary Clinton, Jennifer Aniston merits a place on the Democratic ticket or at least a decent boyfriend who’ll stick around and keep his mouth shut.

Posted in Celebrities, Horrible Stuff | Tagged , , | 25 Comments


A federal appeals court in San Francisco ruled Friday that a parolee cannot be obliged to attend an AA or AA-affiliated program as a condition of staying out of prison. For those who believe that 12 step programs are indeed religious in nature, and that “the God of my understanding” refers to the Christian one, this decision may come as welcome vindication.

But what else is an addict to do?

I have attended 12 step meetings in support of a loved one. The god issue was always a huge sticking point. Seasoned 12 steppers always dismiss that sort of attitude as a form of resistance to The Program. For me, it is a resistance to pretending I believe in a higher power. I know and accept that I personally am not the creator of the universe; but I don’t believe in a higher power in the sense that I can’t surrender my will to “It” if it doesn’t exist.

I’ve read about one person who decided that the law of thermodynamics would be his higher power. I’m happy if it saved him from the tragedy of addiction, but I can’t think of anything similar for my own purpose.

So, if not a 12 step program, how can an addict break free of substance abuse? A book called Romancing Opiates convinced me that addicts (in particular, opiate addicts) are addicts by choice. Not victims, not slaves, but people who lack the moral fortitude to step out of the cycle they’re caught up in. Statistics based on American Vietnam veterans suggest that the majority who returned to the US as drug addicts were able to stop using without seeking outside help.

Those statistics are refuted by everyone who uses the addiction-as-disease model. They insist that the vets who got clean did so because they weren’t as badly addicted as the group that continued to use.

“The Heroin Diaries,” a book by Nikki Sixx of Motley Crue, was reviewed here by a writer whose main complaint about it was that Mr. Sixx was really only a coke-head and therefore not worthy of the respect due a real junkie (ie a real Suffering Artist.) It struck me as irresponsible as well as stupid to perpetuate the myth of the noble junkie. I even wrote to the reviewer in the hope of having a dialogue with him. He didn’t write back.

More recently, I read a piece in the New York Times magazine by longtime Times reporter David Carr, who has written an account of his addiction called “Night of the Gun.” His writing blew me away. His brutally honest depiction of his bad behavior is difficult to take, but it is certainly bracing and honorable. For some reason, though, the comments his excerpt provoked are mostly angry and bitter. I still can’t understand why, unless it’s the fact that he doesn’t beg for the reader’s forgiveness.

If you love an addict, or have an interest in addiction, I can’t recommend both David Carr’s book and “Romancing Opiates” highly enough.

If you are an addict, you are breaking more hearts that you can possibly imagine. Choose life, damn you!

If you are neither of the above, thank the god of your understanding for missing this particular bullet.

Posted in Horrible Stuff, Words | Tagged , , | 19 Comments

Eyebrow Magic

Here I am, modeling the fussy white shirt after a hard day limping around Nordstorm at The Grove. As you can see, it doesn’t really work. But I have to say that posing on my commode was a stroke of genius on my part. The lighting in my hallway is very flattering, and the commode will horrify that Crazy Muffin Woman if she dares to come poking around. I think it was the commode experience that somehow provoked her into dissing me. Take that, Crazy!

In other news, I managed to get two sales assistants at the M.A.C. counter into a mini-argument. I praised a beautiful young man on his spectacular eyebrows, and he referred me to a M.A.C. eyebrow pencil in “Stud.”   But another M.A.C person objected, and insisted that “Strut” would be a better choice for me.   It was a tense situation. The Strut woman made up my eyebrows, one in each color.   People stopped and stared at me. I stared back at them and said pleasantly “Which eyebrow makes me look less like an old witch?” They were all struck dumb by this question.

I ended up buying Strut, but of course It was a mistake, like the white shirt. I should have gone with Stud.

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Weekend Festival of Hate

Today, Queen Marie discussed her hatred of Keira Knightley and I was excited to find that we share this bias. Shared biases are as pleasurable as shared enthusiasms….sometimes more.

To be fair to Queen Marie, I don’t think she used the word “hate.” Most people save this word for special occasions but not Sister Wolf. Ma haine dure, remember?

So because I’m a little tired and braindead, I thought I would offer up a little explosion of hate for the weekend. Let’s call it a Festival of Hate. Okay, here we go.

1. Keira Knightly

2. Kate Hudson

3. Jessica Simpson

4. John McCain

5. Chloe Sevigny

6. Lou Dobbs

7. Sarah Silverman

8. Blake Incarcerated

9. Dr. Phil

10. Mischa Barton

11. Maroon 5

12. Christy Turlington

13. Eric Clapton

14. Eva Longoria

15. Jude Law

This is just a fraction of the people I hate, and I didn’t include my favorites like Selma Blair or Robin Williams.   I also hate girls who wear hats like that awful girl is wearing in the photo.

Nominations for a new list?

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Waxing For Kids; Trophies For Men

My associate Dr. Larue alerted me to an article in the New York Post about moms bringing in their pre-teen daughters to get waxed.   He knew it would upset me. Not that it takes a village to upset me.   One spa owner believes it’s good for girls to start young and suggests that in ten years, “waxing children will be like taking them to the dentist or putting braces on their teeth.”

Another advocate for early waxing is Nair, whose hair removing line called ‘Nair Pretty‘ is clearly aimed at kids. Check out the kid in their ad.

Childhood will soon be no place for children.   These developments are not good news for Lourdes. Let’s hope Madonna doesn’t read the New York Post.

In a more appealing direction, men’s underwear companies are reaching out to men who want a little oomph in their pants.   Men, you work hard, you play hard; why not LOOK hard?   The brand C in 2 makes some nice briefs that are designed with ‘Trophy Shelves’, “which enhances a man’s assets with incomparable support.”   Compare the Trophy brief with the standard D & G brief.

If women need to wax, they should fucking well expect a Trophy in return, don’t you think?

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Let’s Have a Good Cry

“Loss” is an occasional nightclub in London that promises its patrons an evening of exquisite misery. Apparently, it’s based on the popular crying clubs in Tokyo, where stressed Japanese businessmen can rent rooms by the hour to watch weepy movies or pay $10 to attend a group cryathon.

Hahaha! I mean, Waaaa. I think this could be a great idea.   My friend Ann suggested a couple of years ago that people opposed to President Bush get together for massive public cry-ins.   Since we felt there was little we could do to get rid of him, at least we could express our grief over the destruction he has wreaked.

It’s not too late to have a good cry about the Bush Administration. If you think you’re over it, try watching news footage of Hurricane Katrina.

Back to Loss, a project of “The Last Tuesday Society:” It is the work of a Romantically gloomy young man who calls himself Viktor Wynd.   His pose of exhausted misery is pretty funny, once you read the stuff at his website. He describes Loss as a place for “the miserable, the pathetic, the beautiful, the dying and the divorced” to “sit around the dying flowers, crushed velvet, mouldy taxidermy, old broken children’s toys and dead butterflies…” He will even provide chopped onions for those who need help getting their cry on.

Viktor, I love you! I get your joke! You are so beyond Emo, you’re almost anti-Emo! You are a dedicated performance artist who doesn’t just offer jars of shit at your ‘art’ exhibits; you label them “Realtor Shit” and “Pharmacist Shit.”

If you need more crying, here’s a photo of Robert Downy Jr. from a collection of photos by British artist Sam Taylor-Wood called “Crying Men.”

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Why Did I buy This #2

Remember that first Why Did I Buy This? I ended up giving that item away. This time, I’m hoping to keep my purchase, however baffling, and actually wear it.

I never wear frilly things or sheer things, or things with crap all over it, so why did I buy this shirt? It may have been on sale, but that doesn’t explain it. It’s by Rebecca Taylor, and it has a sewn-in silk camisole. When I tried to put it on, I had to keep starting all over again. You have to synchronize the inner and outer shirts as you stick your arms through.   I didn’t study that in college, so how I am supposed to know how to do it?

The stuff on it is like little silk petals and crystal things.

What can I wear with this, and still feel like me?

High-waisted wide-leg jeans? Narrow jeans? Black jeans? The black McQ pencil skirt that I’ll never wear because it’s too uncomfortable? What about footwear?

Help me work with this, you fashion girls!

Posted in Fashion | Tagged | 17 Comments

Ben Stiller and More Merde

Has everyone already heard about the giant inflatable turd by “artist” Paul McCarthy that was blown away from its moorings at a Swiss museum and knocked down a power line before breaking some windows at a children’s home? The turd, entitled Complex Shit, is the size of a house.   Here is a description of the show, at the Paul Klee centre:

“interweaving, diverse, not to say conflictive emphases and a broad spectrum of items to form a dynamic exchange of parallel and self-eclipsing spatial and temporal zones”.

Whatever you say, pal.

While we’re talking shit (double entendre!) Rachel Zoe is featured in Bazaar magazine, with a photo-shopped image of her as a size 8, next to her real self, a size zero.   Ms. Zoe says “Are you kidding me?” several times in the short interview, which will help you understand why she’s so well hated, if this is still news to you.

Finally, Ben Stiller’s new movie, Tropic Thunder.   Disability Rights groups are up in arms about the movie’s use of the word “retard,” including a slogan that is already available on a t-shirt.     I admit I hate Ben Stiller, so he doesn’t have to   do anything but keep breathing to make me mad. And yet, now I’m more mad.

The word retard is a pejorative term that hurts those who are least able to defend themselves. In the same way that we now know not to say “Fatty!” when we walk by an overweight person, we can all learn not to use “retard” in connection with a person who seems slow, autistic, has Down Syndrome, etc.

Ben Stiller and Dreamworks want you to feel that those who are boycotting the movie are a bunch of fussbudgets with no sense of humor.   In fact, they are people who know the challenges already out there for people with disabilities or special needs.

My special need is for Ben Stiller to leave the planet, or at least retire.

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