Obsession + Art

Olek is a Polish-born artist who has chosen to “crochet everything that enters her space.” A strange decision perhaps for a graduate of a cultural studies degree, but even stranger are her motives, “in order to do two things at once: watch movies and make art.”

Olek’s artists’ statement: “A loop after a loop. Hour after hour my madness becomes crochet. Life and art are inseparable. (via)

I LOVE obsessive artists! Olek’s work must be amazing to see in person. I love how she has taken a craft associated with prim old ladies and made it crazy and vaguely sinister.

I love people with grand obsessions. As long as they’re not aimed at me, of course. Werner Herzog movies, stories of psychotic jealousy, people who devote their lives in pursuit of some maniacal passion, it’s all good. I like artists whose work verges on OCD.

I shared my fascination with the brilliant, obsessive Liza Lou here.   And there are some high resolution images of Olek’s work over here.

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A Trip Down Memory Lane

I am a Biped from Sister Wolf on Vimeo.

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Trouble in Paradise

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Sister Wolf Fan Art

What an honor to receive the gift of fan art. At least that’s what I’m calling this beautiful picture from Tanya, a sweet and talented follower of Godammit.com.   This is actually how I see myself a lot of the time. I love it, Tanya!

Pretty soon, I’m going to go into fund-raising mode. I may use Kickstarter or I may just beg. I am drowning in debt and the roof is leaking in the kitchen. I can’t get a job because I can’t get a job. Mr. Sister Wolf is working long hours but the hole gets deeper.

Any ideas for money-raising projects, please share them!

Any small donations, click on the Virgin Mary thing on the right.

Blessings either way, xo

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The Unending Awfullness of Courtney Love

Courtney Love has finally triumphed over bad plastic surgery and now looks like a generic Hollywood cougar.   Kurt would be spinning in his grave if dead people could still be embarrassed.   In any case, her offenses against his memory (not to mention his child) are so ghastly that there’s no territory left for her to plunder.

What has Courtney Love ever done that was worthy of respect? Her first album was largely the product of her husband’s creative genius, and it’s been downhill ever since. She started off as a singlemindedly ambitious groupie, bagged a vulnerable rising rock star, and squandered much of his fortune on nosejobs and dope. Even her own kid can’t stand her.

I’ve just read an artful analysis of her cultural significance but the only part I agree with is that our society revels in the spectacle of public self-destruction. It’s enthralling to watch people making asses of themselves! That’s why I love those Real Housewives.

There’s also something very compelling about people who are literally shameless. Madonna comes to mind in this category. Courtney Love will tweet naked pictures of herself, blab about everyone she’s had sex with, betray all her friends and flaunt her bad spelling as though it’s her life’s work to be annoying.

Here is her best quote to date, spoken to the author of a recent profile in the New York Times:

“For years, despite having impeccable taste, I didn’t understand how to convey that I had impeccable taste.”

Oh Courtney! How frustrating that must have been!

I’m sure we’re supposed to regard her as some kind of tragic figure but it’s all the consequence of vanity and greed. Fuck her! Most people settle for one nosejob and call it a day. She’s just an awful woman who doesn’t know when enough is enough.

Posted in Celebrities, Disorders, Rants | Tagged , | 38 Comments

The Perfect Leather Skirt

for when you want to spend $445 to look like you’re wearing a bath towel.

by Haute Hippie at Shopbop.

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Why Bother with Lipstick if it isn’t Red?

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Getting Silly With Summer

Crap lighting and out of sync, with an unforgettable performance by a tongue.

*Do you love us?? Yes, no, or undecided?

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This is My Process

First I blamed the feckless girlfriend. Then I blamed the pain doctor for prescribing all those opiates. Then I blamed myself for not hiding them better. Then I blamed the doctor who told him to amputate his leg. Then I blamed my self for not finding a surgeon who could offer a   better prognosis. Then I blamed the doctors who didn’t notice the abnormal bone growth. Then I blamed myself for not getting him out of that fake hospital sooner. Then I blamed the first surgeons who didn’t care about his complications. Then I blamed the rehab facility that threw him out instead of accepting the negotiated fee from the insurance company. Then I blamed his father for screaming at him when he got thrown out. Then I blamed myself for taking him to the rehab place. Then I blamed myself for letting him go to spend one night at a sober house. Then I blamed the rehab place for not letting me know he was withdrawing from benzos and might be feeling psychotic. Then I blamed myself for not intuiting it. Then I blamed the lawyers for dropping the lawsuit against the rehab place. Then I blamed Social Security for denying him disability benefits. Then I blamed myself for not knowing the girlfriend was crazy. Then I blamed myself for going out to dinner when he was secretly planning to die. Then I blamed myself for not treating his depression when he was a little kid. Then I blamed my mother for having me so I would end up having him and then failing him.

Then I blamed him for not saying goodbye to me or taking me with him. Then it starts all over again.

Posted in grief, love | 76 Comments

Can Someone Explain Twitter?

I signed up at Twitter, initially, to follow Mrs. Palin and Amanda Palmer.   I couldn’t handle the former but the latter rewarded me with a free concert last night.

Then, I started tweeting just to annoy people. When that didn’t go anywhere, I forgot about Twitter. Then I came back and tried again.

Now, I have 124 followers but sadly for them I have nothing to say. Nontheless, I go there a couple of times a day and torture myself by scrolling through pointless nonsense tweeted by people I don’t know and mostly wouldn’t want to know.

Why are we tweeting, everyone? Whatever the motives that are driving Twitter, it can’t be good for civilization.

Here are my limited observations so far:

1. People want you to know what they ate.
2. People need to communicate every idle scrap of thought that pops into their heads.
3. People like to LOL at one another.
4. People think they derive status from their Tweeting associations.
5. People use Twitter instead of personal email, in order to have an audience.
6. The more people you follow, the more time-consuming it is to find anything interesting.
7. Kanye West is a big deal.
8. It’s important to follow another rapper and then retweet their illiterate musings.

BUT! On a positive note, Twitter has taught me this:

9. It’s fun to read people’s tweets as they watch “X Factor” especially if you’ve never seen it.
10. Rumi Neely is actually smart, witty and gracious. I like her! I stand corrected.

Twitter is adding to the clutter I’m stuffing my brain with on a daily basis and I know it’s time to be more selective. I’ve unsubscribed to a million mailing lists with ten million more to go.   I’m finding that I know too much about Lanvin for Target and too little about world affairs.   It’s going to be tough to unlearn my bad Internet habits. We’ll see how far I get.

Okay. Now explain Twitter.

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