Category Archives: News
Lou Dobbs: What a Fucking Cunt™ !
I have hated this fat pig for so long that it’s hard to believe his stupid sneering face will no longer blight my life when I’m stretched out on my couch like a beached whale, waiting for some Anderson Cooper … Continue reading
More Fun With Trig and Whoever is His Mom
As we all know, Mrs. Palin is not really Trig’s mother, but now the word is that even Bristol isn’t his real mom! Trig Truthers are going berserk, in the wake of Levi’s public statement that Trig isn’t Bristol’s baby. … Continue reading
Adam Goldberg: YES
I saw this photo the other day in juxtapoz, a stupid art magazine that my adopted son* Chris brought over. I was stunned by the glory of the poster on the wall: NO YOU SHUT UP is the single most … Continue reading
Thanks For Nothing, Mackenzie Phillips
Here I am, innocently checking out the headlines at Huffington Post, when I am assaulted by the news that Mackenzie Phillips slept with her father, John Phillips. Eoow, god, why do we have to know this?! I will never be … Continue reading
MTV Awards 2009 Exegesis
I didn’t see the whole show but so what, I’m still doing the Exegesis. The best thing this year was Kanye West fucking up Taylor Swift’s acceptance speech. Yes, it was rude, and why not? Taylor Swift is a godawful … Continue reading
Please Stand By
Sister Wolf must attend to an urgent family matter. She hopes to be back before too long.
Posted in News
Mrs. Palin on FB: Koo Koo for Cocoa Puffs!
Mrs. Palin has over 800,000 fans on Facebook, where she posted a note today, asking people to watch racist crybaby Glen Beck on Fox news. Glenn’s corporate sponsors have been pulling their ads due to public pressure. Here is a … Continue reading
Now What?!
This coveted hideous t shirt by Christopher Kane will be available at Topshop for $90, thus allowing the average nobody the thrill of dressing like Mom of Shoes! A nice egalitarian move by Christopher Kane, which I would applaud were … Continue reading
Dead Model Story x Reality TV =
A dead “swimsuit model” in a suitcase doesn’t seem very interesting at first glance. I remember another one they found out in the desert somewhere, murdered by some guy on craigslist. But now the story has branched out in several … Continue reading
True Blood and Mrs. Palin
After initially dismissing the HBO vampire series “True Blood” as cartoonish, I am now completely hooked. The most recent episode was truly disgusting, wasn’t it?! Watching Tara and Eggs eat the you-know-what (not a spoiler!!) I was close to gagging. … Continue reading