I’ll just take this leather and mesh bodysuit by Hannah Marshall. It’s $960 at Opening Ceremony and they have my size.
I could wear this everywhere, day and night, and look effortlessly cool. Okay, no, but I still want it.
I’ll just take this leather and mesh bodysuit by Hannah Marshall. It’s $960 at Opening Ceremony and they have my size.
I could wear this everywhere, day and night, and look effortlessly cool. Okay, no, but I still want it.
How many times have you listened to a friend talk about her terrible relationship, only to realize that nothing you can say or do will get her to end it?
I never learn that these people are caught in a cycle of addiction and will crawl back for more abuse until circumstances intervene to break things off.
It should be easy for smart people to figure out that they’re playing a losing game. To everyone else, it’s all so obvious. Now there are 12 step groups for Love Addiction but try getting your friend to go to a meeting. I once got as far as showing someone the online questionnaire about Love Addiction. She answered Yes to nearly every question. But mostly what she really wanted was to talk about the horrible creep who was making her miserable and showed every intention of making her even more miserable.
A long time ago in a galaxy far away, I got caught up like this. A man who didn’t love me and treated me badly was ruining my life. When I broke up with him, he took it well. I felt proud of myself for ending it. Now I would be free! Within 48 hours, I’d call him and whine, “I miss you.” Thus would begin another round of the same pathetic cycle. I needed a fix of whatever it was he was dealing, and he was glad to give it to me. In retrospect, I am amazed at how patient my friends were when I ranted about what a bastard he was.
Feelings of inadequacy, fear of abandonment, fear of rejection, buried rage, lack of self-identity are all characteristics of the Love Addict. Then there’s the dopamine issue once the game gets going.
It’s so painful to watch someone you care about waste their time and batter their own self-esteem through this irrational and obsessive behavior. I have three friends at present who are lost in addictive affairs that are dragging them down. I wish I could help, but I can’t. I’m glad it’s not me, though.
If you’ve broken free of a screwed up addictive relationship, what have you learned about yourself? What helped you to survive the withdrawal? Or how have you been able to lead a friend toward self-preservation?
Jesus. Ugh.
“Exclusive tribute tee to Alexander McQueen; crew neck tee reading “Fashion Is Suicide” on front and “Fashion Is Not Suicide, R.I.P. A. McQueen” on back; 100% cotton.”
By Dimepiece Designs. $42 at Karmaloop
A reader nominated this week’s winner and while it’s not often we think of an entire state as a cunt, Arizona is an exception.
Arizona’s Immigration Bill SB1070 means that all immigrants in Arizona must now carry their alien registration documents, and police can question anyone they think may be in the United States illegally. It will also address people that knowingly hire illegal immigrants or who transport them.
Addressing questions of racial profiling, Arizona Governor Jan Brewer said: “Racial profiling is illegal.”
The Governor stated in an executive order that police will require training to help them execute the bill without it becoming racial profiling.
Okay. So the police will be able to stop and question anyone they think may be here illegally, but it won’t be racial profiling.
I don’t understand why such a large segment of Americans wants to pin this country’s problems on immigrants, but you can’t tell me it’s not based on bigotry and racism. “They’re taking our jobs!” is just bullshit. Every single day, I thank a Mexican or Central American immigrant for helping me. The jobs they fill are usually minimum wage but no one is stopping blond caucasions from doing them.
My grandparents were immigrants. America is a melting pot! I hope Arizona’s new Immigration law is repealed but until then, it qualifies at a fucking cunt.
Oooooh! She’s like a cross between Daria and Angelina. How can someone be so beautiful?!
Naty Chamanenko may not have a gap between her teeth, but I may have to dump Abby Lee for her.
Do you have a non-lesbitious crush on a gorgeous model? Or a lesbitious one?
I feel like I’m probably the last person to discover Mouton Collet, but better late then never, in this case. Everyone loves antlers, so this furry hate is “right on trend.” Mouton Collet designed a white antler hat for Lady Gaga but I personally don’t care about her wardrobe, her nose, or anything else. Let’s just ignore her for now.
These bracelets take spikes to a new level. I want them to be leather but I’m not sure what they’re made of.
These necklaces look like leather and goat hair. The collection is called Féroce and you can see more images here.
All in all, I’d say it reminds me of Natalia Brilli, but a little more Pagan Hipster and nutty. Mouton Collet also designed a collection of silver jewelry for men, and here is an image I find strangely appealing.
I’ve named this guy “My Houseboy.”
This has got to be the most outrageous damage-control move in the history of publicists. Imagine being at the meeting where this story was hatched.
“Okay, we’ve got to change the narrative about Sandra, asap! The Nazi stories are killing us!”
“Yeah, this really sucks. If we don’t move quickly, Sandy will be strapped forever with the Cheating Nazi Husband image and that’s gonna sink her in the end. People are already saying that she must have known about Jesse.”
“Wait! I have an idea.”
“Fire away!”
“Well, it’s kind of crazy, but it just might work. Let’s say that Sandra has an adopted baby…”
“Naw, people will smell spin-control if she adopts now.”
“Right. But let’s say SHE ALREADY HAS AN ADOPTED BABY! She’s been keeping it secret, though.”
“But why would she do that?”
“Oh, who cares. Just hear me out. Not only a baby, but a BLACK BABY!”
“Listen, think about it! This will change the Sandra Bullock narrative overnight! No one will give a shit about the Nazi husband and the strippers.”
“Oh man, it’s a no brainer! Genius! Call Sandy and then get someone to go track down a baby and make sure it’s black.”
“Too slow. Go local.”
I’m aware that the shoe brand Irregular Choice has its fans but surely this specimen is unforgivable. Take a moment to ponder the insults going on here. For some reason, the open toe strikes me as the last straw.
I’m sad that the site selling this shoe doesn’t engage in descriptive language. I can’t begin to imagine what anyone could say. “Rats chewed the heel off this plucky little oxford and we patched the front with Grandma’s curtains!”
I can’t do it. Is anyone up to the challenge?