Category Archives: Rants
Oooh, Demi Has a Lawyer!
Demi Moore has a lawyer and she’s not afraid to use him. She is threatening to sue the Internet for daring to accuse her of being photoshopped on the cover of W magazine. You can read her lawyer’s letter here. … Continue reading
Out, Damn G Spot!
When my friend R suddenly proclaimed herself skeptical about the G Spot during Christmas Eve dinner, I told her she was preaching to the choir. According to R, that idiot “Dr. Oz” was on TV trying to teach people how … Continue reading
Facebook is Wack
Because I’m an addict and an idiot, I’ve spent hours tonight staring like a zombie at crap online. I checked out these pointy-tied Dr. Martens and thought, Eh, they won’t fit and I’ll just have to send them back. Later, … Continue reading
Nursing Home Outrage, Part II
Back in October, I had a first-hand experience of conditions at a Los Angeles nursing home. I was stunned by the blatant inhumanity: I don’t know what else to call it. How can this shit go on? How can people … Continue reading
The Broken Dryer: A Poll
Here’s the situation: Tonight, my ex-husband came over to visit and offered to wash a fluffy foot-thing. (Don’t ask, but the tag says it’s washable.) I offered to wash it but he insisted on doing it. He probably thought he’d … Continue reading
The Saddest Shoes in the World
These shoes make me want to cry. They look like a pre-school project. Which is usually a good thing. But not when they cost $1,605. How long before those cheap little rhinestones start to fall off? If shoes can feel … Continue reading
Let Me Count the Ways, Mrs. P
How do I hate thee… how could anyone not hate thee? This reliance on Trig as a crowd pleaser during Mrs. P’s book tour is driving me nuts with helpless rage. Even though the baby is so clearly a prop, … Continue reading
Styling is Everything
Whenever I get email updates from Pixie Market, I dutifully click to see their new arrivals, and inevitably I am horrified. It’s not the items they sell, but how they are put together. Why would anyone want any of the … Continue reading
Just Admit it, Demi
After suggestions that her cover photo on W magazine was photoshopped, Demi Moore has come forward to deny it. She has been very adamant that this is an un-retouched photo, even though her left hip is visibly out of line … Continue reading
“In What Respect, Charlie?”
As we all take cover from the media blitz surrounding the publication of Mrs. Palin’s “book,” it’s fun to recall our favorite Palinisms from the campaign. This video makes me feel kind of nostalgic… Another antidote to “Going Rogue”: Check … Continue reading