Why does Tallulah’s head always look like it was photo-shopped on to her body? It has the same jarring appearance in every picture. Does it jut forward around cameras, or is she without benefit of a neck?
When her internship at Bazaar was announced, the magazine had to backtrack and say that she was only going to be “observing” there. At age 15, an internship would violate child labor laws. Awww. Poor Tallulah.
With her impeccable style, this girl shouldn’t waste her time palling around with fashion editors. She should just enroll at Brown, like her older sister, Scout.
Here, with her head slightly more in proportion to her body, Tallulah dresses modestly so as not to upstage the Brown-quality intellect that is Scout Willis. I love that Scout has chosen to pursue higher education. I hope she will eventually study neurosurgery and theology. Then, she can either break her mom’s contract with the devil, or create a psychotropic drug that induces prosopagnosia.
Is it mean to make fun of the Willis girls? Did god create them as a test of character for the rest of us? What lessons can we learn from them?