Why would a bloody nose help to sell Givenchy menswear, one might ask oneself upon seeing the above photo from a fashion editorial. The answer is the same one that explains the popularity of nosebleeds on tumblr. Just don’t expect me to know it.
I can’t tell you the number of bloody noses I’ve seen on tumblr, along with the bloody lips and bruised knees. Obviously, part of the appeal is simply the transgressive nature of these images. They’re icky and/or disturbing, therefore popular with the hipsterati.
But is something else going on? Is it a Vampire thing? I personally associate nosebleeds with children. Is it a pedophile thing?
To find a bloody nose attractive is to never have been a parent. Both of my kids were afflicted with routine nosebleeds, usually accompanied by shouts of “By doze is bleeding! Help!” I never had enough tissue if we were away from home.
Once, my youngest got a nosebleed in a jewelry shop and the blood gushed out over everything. The owner tried to help. Other people entered the shop and quickly left, horrified by the blood spattered scene. I’ll never forget the immensity of that nose bleed.
Another time, my mom was with me and the concern on her face triggered my own fear that my kid would bleed to death. I think we referred to that one later as The Great Nosebleed of April Something.
When Max was around ten, I asked him what subject he would choose if he could make a short film. He thought for a couple of seconds and said firmly: “A bloody nose.” I remember asking, You mean, the whole thing would be just a nosebleed? He said Yep, with an early hint of the perversity to come.
There is nothing good about a bloody nose. They used to tell you to tilt the head back but now we know this is wrong. You can use ice, you can pack the nose with tissue, you can pinch the bridge of the nose, but it will just keep on bleeding until it’s ready to stop.
But maybe I’m behind the times. Maybe nothing says Givenchy like a bloody nose.