Lou Dobbs: What a Fucking Cunt™ !


I have hated this fat pig for so long that it’s hard to believe his stupid sneering face will no longer blight my life when I’m stretched out on my couch like a beached whale, waiting for some Anderson Cooper on CNN.

I used to find him amusing, but that ended a long time ago. Watching him gain traction or whatever they call it over the last year has been too infuriating to stomach. I hate this fucker more than anyone on TV, and that is truly saying something.

I didn’t even know he graduated from Harvard until today. I will never again assume that a Harvard graduate has a high IQ.   Read about some of his most egregious bullshit here, if you’re not already a card-carrying Lou Dobbs Hater.

Lou, here is a memo: Take your fat dimpled pigface far, far away and have your nervous breakdown in private where it belongs, you racist moron. Andale!

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“Dress However You Want!”


Okay, I’m 56 years old and just following Carine Roitfeld’s lead. Where’s the party?


Now that I’ve done Walker Porn, I can’t compete in the Miss California contest, but that’s cool. Sometimes you just have to make your statement and pay the price.   Again, behold Carine’s statement. I believe she is saying, “Dress However You Want!” unless she’s trying to indicate, “I Am Nuts.”


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Thank You, Carine!


When Carine Roitfeld looks this awful, I can only feel great! I’m pretty sure we’re the same age, and I’m sick of being envious. You go and look wrinkly, Carine! And wear more stupid get-ups like this one!

(Nope, it’s not Halloween in this picture, it’s an art opening in NYC “curated” by her son Vladimer.)

Posted in Fashion, revenge | Tagged , | 28 Comments

Self Pity and Samurai


A trusted advisor told Max last week,”Wallowing in self pity is a choice.” Ha, I beg to differ.

Sometimes, self pity is the rational response to one’s situation. Just as depression, anger or grief are rational responses to heartbreak, betrayal, and loss, for example.

Our culture insists that we have the power to change things by being positive, and inherent in this thinking is the disapproval of “negativity.” If I were in Max’s position and someone had delivered such an inane assessment of my mood, I hope I would sock him in the face.

Barbara Ehrenreich has written a book about the pressure to be positive, and I couldn’t agree more. She recalls being admonished at a cancer support group, soon after she was diagnosed with the disease. At one point, she was even offered a book called “The Gift of Cancer.” Having hope is one thing. Denying fear, rage or self pity is unhealthy at best, and it’s often just another way to blame the victim of disease or tragedy or unlucky circumstances.

Me, I am full of negative emotions. When things are hard, I freak out. But I know I will keep fighting. That’s why I like to identify with the samurai, and I guess that part is a choice. I could choose to identify with Sylvia Plath, or Joan of Arc, but there is no resonance there for me.

I like the idea of staying on my horse no matter what. I intend to plunge into any battle with total commitment, even if I’m outnumbered.

In the case of the pretend “hospital,” they told me once again that Blue Cross had denied further treatment there, even though Blue Cross denied this. I told the case manager at the “hospital” that we would refuse any discharge plan and appeal any refusal of payment by Blue Cross.

Meanwhile, Max’s current roommate, the one with the noisy oxygen machine, now has an infection from his PICC line. His family has not returned after one visit. I’m afraid he won’t get out of there alive. I ask him every day if he needs anything, and he shakes his head, No. A social worker came to see him last week and asked him to rate how tired he was on “a scale of 6 to 20.” I swear I’m not making this up. Where are numbers one through five??

Today, Max stood up for the first time in nearly ten weeks. Hallelujah. I’ve found a great hospital with an Acute Rehab Unit, but he’s not quite strong enough for their program.

Everyone who has sent their blessings and good wishes, the saints who donated to the Sister Wolf Fund, and the people who made purchases from the Sister Wolf Museum of Hoarding, you have given more comfort and cheer than you can imagine. My sword would be so much heavier without you.

Posted in Horrible Stuff, Religion, Words | Tagged , , | 37 Comments

More Fun With Trig and Whoever is His Mom


As we all know, Mrs. Palin is not really Trig’s mother, but now the word is that even Bristol isn’t his real mom!

Trig Truthers are going berserk, in the wake of Levi’s public statement that Trig isn’t Bristol’s baby. One of the foremost anti-Palin blogs, The Immoral Majority, states that the secret of Trig’s birth is EVEN WEIRDER! If you read the comment thread there, you will discover several wonderful conspiracy theories regarding Trig’s parentage, including the following:

1. Trig is the result of an affair between Levi’s mother Sherry and Todd Palin. Ooooooh! If only!
2. Trig is the result of an affair between Sherry and Track Palin, who was subsequently hustled off into the army.
3. Trig is the child of some unwed mother who was acquired by Mrs. Palin in anticipation of the VP campaign.

There are plenty of other convoluted stories, many of which include the notion that Bristol was indeed pregnant but had an abortion on a trip to New York with Mrs. P. Bristol’s mysterious absence from school and her bulging belly (in dated photos) help to lend credence to this part of the story. Beyond that, the possibilities are endless.

Andrew Sullivan has been a stubborn Trig Truther since the beginning, and now he’s back on board, pointing out the discrepancies in Mrs. P’s latest version of how she learned of Trig’s Down Syndrome.   The right wing will mock him again, but it’s great to see he’s still on the case.

All I know for sure is that the story of Mrs. Palin’s wacky secret pregnancy is another one of her stupid self-serving lies, and if that bitch is Trig’s mother, I’m the Queen of Sheba.

Posted in News, Rants | Tagged , , | 18 Comments

The Holy Grail or Damn Near


Aren’t these jeans from Karmaloop breathtaking?!   I would wear them just to acquire a nice diamond-shape pattern on my legs. Or to impress my friends with the little blobs of fat that stick out through the holes.

Nothing cheers me up like a browse through the wonderland that is Karmaloop. Complete this sentence:

These jeans would be great for —————————.

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Two Shopbop Girls and One Contest


This Shopbop girl has been bothering me for ages. Why does she always have to jut her head forward like this? Who tells her to do it? Or is it her trademark or something? Waaah, make it stop!


Now, this Shopbop girl really kills me. She’s just so awful! The horrible asymmetrical hairdo, the aggressive facial expression and the weird body-language. I totally hate her! Why is she there? I think of her as The Goony Bird Girl but I’m open to a new name for her if you’ve got one.

Now! Here’s a good contest. Even though I still haven’t announced the 2 winners of the Name the Baby Contest, I do have the prizes ready. (Say hello to Hazel here.)   For this new contest, the prize will be the Dead Sweater by Lucky Jeans. It’s a size small.

Okay:   Find the Shopbop girl I would like to be if I could be a Shopbop Girl. Hint: Think “slutty.”

Posted in Contest, Fashion, Rants | Tagged , , | 41 Comments

Meet My Brother!


My father is a man who likes to get married and have children. Of my five half-siblings, I have only bonded with Michael, possibly because we were the “black sheep” of our families or maybe just because he’s so lovable.

Michael has more tattoos that you’ll ever want to see. Not only that, he is a butcher. Meat is his calling.

When my teenager was little and I got a full-time job, Michael took care of him every day. When anyone has hurt me, Michael has offered to kill them.   Once, he married my best friend, but they were just being silly and now they know better.

Michael came to visit over the weekend and he brought his beautiful girlfriend Shelly, who is studying engineering and drives a big motorcycle. She is a great girl. I didn’t realize the extent of her greatness until she sent me this picture of a dead squirrel she saw in the street near my house!


May Shelly and Michael be together forever, and may all squirrels be dead ones!


Michael just got his own “ma haine dure” tattoo, as well as an International No symbol that should cover everything else. Great job, Mike! xo


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A New Roommate


Mr. Capote is long gone. An old guy with pneumonia came and went. Yesterday, a new roommate arrived, connected to some sort of oxygen machine whose decibel level is akin to a loud blow dryer up against your ear.

The entire room is filled with a shrill hissing sound that immediately rattles ones brain. When Max’s attending doctor made her rounds today, she confessed that the noise was driving her nuts.

Max doesn’t want to switch to a new room, now that he has the window. But what about the noise?!? It is constant, 24 hours a day, and it is bound to ruin his hearing.

The poor man attached to the machine is unable to speak, but his family came today and gave him some paper to write on. I then realized that he is a person and not just a nuisance devised to torture my son and me. I told the   family that I would try to look out for their father, even though it’s hard enough getting sub-adequate care for Max.

So far, since my last update, there has been a blood clot, an infection, and the discovery that Max’s right arm is broken. No wonder it hurts! No one will reposition him unless you ask, and even then there may be a wait. The patients are supposed to be washed every day; every 4 days is the norm, and sometimes longer. They have never once offered up a toothbrush. Not once.

The nurses like to move the bedside tray around two feet out of reach. They also like to come in and talk about Jesus. If you happen to be an atheist, you will need to keep your mouth shut, since they have so much power over your basic comfort, not to mention your actual life.

It has been nearly nine weeks now. It’s hard to know what to do to make life in this “hospital” more tolerable. My patient has no appetite and is resigned to the fact that no one will come when he pushes the call-button. If only I could trade places with him.

Posted in Celebrities, Horrible Stuff, Religion | Tagged , , | 37 Comments

A Good Question Worth Considering


After mocking ShopCurious the other day, I was disarmed by the playful response from the site’s creator, Susan. On her ShopCurious blog, she poses the question, What would you like to be remembered for?

I think it’s a great question and not at all a morbid one, despite my husband’s tendency to flip out when I mention my death or my funeral arrangements. Most people don’t like contemplating their existence, let alone the fact that it’s finite. Like Woody Allen, I don’t mind dying, I just don’t want to be there when it happens!

I used to worry about the way people might remember me: I figured they would open my drawers and shriek, “God, did this bitch hoard cashmere sweaters!” That alone made me want to make sure to live forever. Or to give the sweaters away while I had the chance.

But something about Susan’s blog caused me to stop and ponder the question. It’s a hard one. I tried to answer it but I think that at different times in your life, your perspective changes, sometimes radically, and your answer may change as well.

I’m more sure of what I don’t want to be remembered for. I don’t want to be remembered as someone who never lived up to her potential. I don’t want to be remembered for any kind of betrayal. I don’t want to be remembered for caving in to outside pressure.   Most of all, I don’t want to be remembered for failing my children, and that is clearly the toughest challenge.

Thinking about Susan’s blog, it also occurs to me that I don’t want to be remembered for closing my heart to an offer of friendship. I’m here for you Susan, even though I made fun of that horrible rat necklace.

May you all enjoy your Dio de los Muertos !

Posted in Religion, Words | 16 Comments